New Growth, Inc: A Safe Place for All Humans


New Growth’s mission is to create accessible and inclusive spaces where all children can thrive. Serving the greater Los Angeles area, we provide dynamic programs for children of all abilities. We believe that mixing populations – both special needs and their neuro-typical peers (those without any special needs diagnosis) – creates an accepting environment that builds empathy and boosts emotional intelligence while fostering the importance of understanding that all humans are different.

About New Growth

New Growth was created in 2021 and built from the ground up by just two dedicated women with a shared vision and relentless determination. What began as a heartfelt mission has grown into something bigger, impacting lives and making a difference in our communities.

Camp Kelly

Our first program, Camp Kelly, brings together children and teens between the ages of 5 to 18 of all abilities to learn, laugh, and develop lasting friendships through a structured and engaging camp curriculum. Launched in 2022, we’re excited to share that our camp attendance has quadrupled since then.

To learn more about Camp Kelly, check out the video below and click here

Inclusion at Camp Kelly